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Accelerated Free Fall

At Skydive Philadelphia, we’re passionate about helping you pursue your skydiving dreams.  Our AFF program is perfect for anyone who has tried tandem skydiving and wants to learn how to dive solo. With our expert instruction and guidance, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the skies on your own.

Accelerate Freefall

AFF Class + Category A-C

Learn to Skydive

Ground School:   You'll take an approximately 4 hour ground school that will include instruction on the fundamentals and knowledge to be a safe and successful skydiver.


Category A:   Acclimation to freefall, proper body position, altitude awareness, heading awareness, parachute deployment


Category B:  Controlled freefall turns (90°,180°,360°) and forward movement


Category C:  Stable freefall after instructor releases, hover control, solo parachute deployment


Category A-C jumps are preformed with two instructors.

AFF Category D1-E2

Category D-E jumps are performed with one instructor.


Category D1:  Controlled Turns (90° right, 90° left), forward movement, solo parachute deployment without instructor contact


Category D2:   Controlled Turns (180° right, 180° left), forward movement, solo parachute deployment without instructor contact


Category E1:  Barrel roll and recovery, controlled turns (180° right, 180° left), track 3-5 seconds, solo parachute deployment without instructor contact


Category E2:   Front flip exit and recovery, Back flip and recovery, controlled turns (360° right, 360° left), track on heading 3-5 seconds, solo parachute deployment without instructor contact


Ready to start your skydiving journey? Give us a call at

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