Personal Perspective
Still Photographs

Taken with a camera attached to your instructors hand, you can expect to receive 50-100+ high quality photographs of your skydive, including before boarding the aircraft, the ride to altitude, freefall, the canopy ride, and the landing.
Personal Perspective

Taken with a camera attached to your instructor's hand, you can expect a 4-6 minute video edited and set to music, including an intro interview before boarding the aircraft, the ride to altitude, freefall, the canopy ride, the landing, as well as a small outro interview after landing.
Personal Perspective
Combo Photographs And Video

Includes the Personal Perspective Still Photographs and Personal Perspective Video above for those that want both!
Professional Video

Taken with a camera attached to one of our videographers, you'll get a unique view of your skydive and can expect 50-100+ high quality photographs and a 4-6 minute video edited and set to music, including an interview before boarding the aircraft, the ride to altitude, freefall, the landing, as well as a small outro interview after landing.
Demonstration Jumps/Events

Experienced Skydiver

For experienced skydiver pricing including lift tickets, gear rental, coaching, and more, click here!
Rigging Services

For master rigging services, please contact us!